Kathleen Sharp Has Hit with Wasserman Book

Tuesday, December 16, 2003 5:47 PM

Press Club member Kathleen Sharp recently published “Mr. and Mrs. Hollywood: Edie and Lew Wasserman and Their Entertainment Empire” and is getting a lot of great buzz for her efforts.

The biography is the latest recent look at Wasserman influence (others have been penned by Connie Bruck and Dennis McDougal), but Sharp’s work focuses on the couple’s relationship, how Edie was a major player in her husband’s career. “The book deliciously melds the gossip, scandal, knife-sharp corporate maneuver- ing and mob-fueled machinations that marked the careers of this ‘charming and corrupt couple,” columnist Liz Smith wrote of the book.

Sharp will be speaking at Vroman’s in Pasadena on Dec. 5 and at the Borders Superstore in Hollywood on Dec. 6, among other engagements. Movie agent Irene Webb is shopping it around town for

film or TV rights.
Sharp is a correspondent for the Boston

Globe and the author of the 1995 book “In Good Faith: The Inside Stiory of Prudential Bache’s Multi-Billion Dollar Scandal.”

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