Razzies Pre-Oscar and Book Release Party

Wednesday, February 23, 2005 1:47 PM

WHO: Amy Alkon, Emmanuelle Richard, Cathy Seipp, Razzies Founder John Wilson and the L.A. Press Club Invite You To:

WHAT: A pre-Oscars party celebrating the 25th-Anniversary of the Golden Raspberry Awards, which each year (dis)honor the Worst Achievements In Film the night before That Other Awards Show. (In other words: Never mind that “The Passion” and “Fahrenheit 9/11” were “locked-out” of the Academy — what about the outrageous shunning of “Catwoman” and “Baby Geniuses?”)

AND: The publication of the just-released (and long-awaited!) “Official Razzie Movie Guide: Enjoying the Best of Hollywood’s Worst,” which will be on sale at the party.

WHEN: Wednesday, Feb. 23, from 7-10 p.m. Free vodka tasting (and Belgian chocolates!) courtesy Modern Spirits Vodka from 7 to 8 of their most popular vodka infusions (chocolate-orange, ginger, grapefruit-honey), with cash bar (and discounted drinks) thereafter.

PLUS: Q&A with Head Raspberry John Wilson around 8:30 p.m.

WHERE: Cine Space, 6356 Hollywood Blvd., 2nd level. (323) 817-FILM. Valet parking $6 one-half block down (corner of Hollywood and Cosmo, between Ivar and Cahuenga), or: metered parking on Ivar or Selma if you’re lucky (free after 6 p.m.), or various glamorous lots in the glamorous vicinity.

WHY: Because in a quarter-century, the Razzies — which are now Commemorating a Quarter-Century of Carping About Cinematic Crap (TM) — have become an internationally known Hollywood institution, as well as fun fodder for entertainment journalists every Oscars season. Razzie winners have included Ben Affleck, who told a French magazine last year he was a heavy favorite for “Gigli”; Joe Eszterhas, who took out a full-page ad in Variety a few years ago claiming his Razzie for “Burn, Hollywood, Burn” in advance; Faye Dunaway, who reportedly flew into a rage when she learned of hers; Bill Cosby, who showed up in person to collect his (for “Leonard, Part 6”); the Barbarian Brothers, who also showed up but then wouldn’t get off the stage; Tom Green, who claimed he did “Freddy Got Fingered” just to get a Razzie; and Razzie lifetime achievement winner Sylvester Stallone, who left an angry message on the Razzie answering machine.

ALSO: There will be clips of bad movies for your viewing pleasure AND a possible singalong — depending on how much vodka is consumed — of the original boffo opening number, “Dead Entertainers,” the Razzies version of the Oscars’ people-who-died-last-year feature. Sample verse:

They’ve all gone
To backlots in the sky
But they live on
In their films, so don’t cry
They’ve all decomposed
So now we’ve composed
Dead Enter-tai-ai-ners!

RSVP: Is a MUST! Email info@lapressclub.org or call 323-469-8180



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