Wednesday, August 16, 2006 9:03 AM WHO CAN APPLY: Reporters, editors, and producers in print, broadcast, and ethnic media with a passion for health care news — not just those on the health beat — from Greater Los Angeles (Los Angeles, Orange, San Bernadino, Riverside, Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties). THE PROGRAM: The California Endowment Health Journalism Fellowships program offers journalists a chance to step away from the newsroom to hone their skills in health care journalism. In intimate workshops, field trips and discussions, fellows learn from the country’s most…
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Congratulations to all winners!
Tuesday, July 18, 2006 9:08 AM A. JOURNALISTS OF THE YEAR A1. PRINT (Over 100,000 circulation) REPORTER, COLUMNIST OR EDITOR First Place: Barbara Demick LA Times Glimpses of a Hermit Nation Judges’ comments: Exhaustively researched, very well written journey into a world that is very difficult to cover. Demick tells an important story with vivid details, giving readers a rare look at a closed society. Her exemplary work ferreting out the people and the facts under such strict political and government regulations was stellar work and the stories were enlightening.…
See MoreAPTRA Academy 2006
Sunday, July 16, 2006 9:05 AM NEED TO MAKE A RESUME TAPE? WANT TO SPEND A WEEKEND WITH NEWS ANCHORS, REPORTERS, NEWS DIRECTORS, NEWS MANAGERS, PHOTOGRAPHERS, EDITORS AND OTHERS IN OUR BUSINESS? — DON’T MISS THIS WORKSHOP! REGISTRATION IS NOW UNDERWAY for APTRA Academy 2006 The Associated Press Television Radio Association’s Boot Camp for Aspiring Broadcast Journalists SPACE IS LIMITED $300 Lodging and Meals INCLUDED English and Spanish Speaking Reporter And Anchor Camps Still Available October 7-8, 2006 Cottontail Ranch & Pepperdine University — Malibu, California ONLINE REGISTRATION is taking…
Wednesday, July 05, 2006 9:07 AM Due to the popularity of our July 5 Toby Young/Rob Long event, we’ve moved it across the street from the L.A. Press Club to the bigger Barnsdall Gallery Theatre in historic Barnsdall Park. Here is the invite again, with location info changed…. If you’ve already RSVPd, please don’t RSVP again. If you have yet to RSVP, please do. *** Amy Alkon, Emmanuelle Richard, Cathy Seipp and the L.A. Press Club invite you to: MISADVENTURES IN THE SCREEN TRADE (or: Can Journalists Make It In…
See MoreMayor Antonio Villaraigosa is joining us at the Awards 6/24
Saturday, June 24, 2006 12:48 PM Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa will join Los Angeles Press Club at the Millennium Biltmore Hotel, Downtown, on the evening of June 24th. The Mayor will attend our cocktail hour and has agreed to open the 48th Annual Southern California Journalism Awards – celebrating the best and the brightest in journalism. In addition to prizes handed out in competitive categories, we will also be presenting awards to three distinguished journalists: • Dave Lopez of KCBS 2 News – The Quinn Award (for lifetime achievement) • Kevin…
See MoreNews Junkie and Prisoner of X grilled by Generation Kill- Thursday, May 18th
Thursday, May 18, 2006 12:48 PM WHAT: A wine and beer reception sponsored by two now-sober journalistic troublemakers: • Allan MacDonell, whose high-flaming memoir, “Prisoner of X: 20 Years in the Hole at Hustler Magazine” (Feral House), has been featured in the NY Times, NY Post, Rolling Stone, Vanity Fair and NPR; and • Jason Leopold, the obsessive-compulsive investigative journalist whose “News Junkie” (Process) details the felonious conduct prior to his rise and fall at the Los Angeles Times, Salon and Dow Jones Newswires, and later his rise once again…
See MoreDanish Cartoons and Censorship Debate at the Press Club 5/11
Thursday, May 11, 2006 1:04 PM Censorship, Cowardice, or Good Taste? The L.A. Press Club is pleased to host a lively panel discussion debating the ongoing fallout of the infamous Danish cartoons mocking the prophet Muhammad. Were newspapers prudent or cowardly for refusing to reprint the images? Do smaller publications and websites who reproduced them deserve praise or scorn? Are Muslims truly offended at all depictions of all religious figures? Is it censorship when private entities like Borders Bookstores refuse to carry issues of the Free Inquiry that include the…
See MoreL.A. Press Club to Honor Larry King
Monday, May 08, 2006 12:51 PM HOLLYWOOD – May 8, 2006 – The Los Angeles Press Club has announced Larry King, host of CNN’S “Larry King Live”, has been selected to receive the Club’s prestigious President’s Award for 2006. King will receive his award at the 48th Annual Southern California Journalism Awards to be held June 24, 2006, at the Millennium Biltmore Hotel in downtown Los Angeles. In selecting King to be honored, LA Press Club President Anthea Raymond said “Larry King has shown us how to use a mass…
See MoreFrom Journalist to Author
Thursday, April 27, 2006 1:06 PM The Los Angeles Press Club presents: Taking the leap – from journalist to author Turn your stories and ideas into a book. A panel of recent journalist/authors will offer tips, explain the triumphs and pitfalls. Come hear: –David Willis, on book leave from the BBC to pen a volume about the California dream –Chip Jacobs of the L.A. Daily News, wrote a book about his family –Francesca Segre, whose novel “Daughter of the Bride,” has been optioned by Columbia WHEN: Thursday, April 27. 6:30…
Thursday, April 13, 2006 1:06 PM Three who run top websites Talk about how they keep tabs on Local media and how they turn a profit. •, by former LA TIMES staffer Kevin Roderick •, by Ron Fineman, former TV and radio newsman •, by Don Barrett •How do they find stories and sources? •How do they influence news budgets in the city? •How do they make money? Don’t miss this chance to pick their brains. MODERATOR: LA Press Club Secretary Matt Welch will moderate. Welch, now of the LA…
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