On American Soil: Jack Hammond

Sunday, January 15, 2006 6:19 PM By DIANNE BATES Jack Hamann started with a reporter’s hunch that “something wasn’t right” about a 43- year-old story he discovered while covering a routine assignment in 1987.The end result of his obsession with the story of the hanging in 1944 of Italian prisoner of war, Private Guglielmo Olivotto, in Washington State is the recently published book, American Soil: How Justice Became a Casualty of WW II. Hamaan’s quest also opened an inquiry into the resulting trail and court martials – bill HR 3174,…

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Yes,Technology is the Answer to Everything

Sunday, January 15, 2006 6:19 PM BY CHRISTINE PALMA, [email protected] When asked for her wish list, Executive Director Diana Ljungaeus put e-commerce, mailing list management, and revamped website at the top of immediate needs. The challenge for this one-person office has always been not having enough hours in a day. Last year, hackers forced the Press Club to shut down its online payment system. The new e-commerce site using Ebay’s Pro Stores engine will provide security and save the Club hundreds of manhours by making Quickbooks reconcilliation easier, and by…

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To Live and Die in IRAQ: War and the Journalists who cover it

Sunday, January 15, 2006 6:15 PM BY CHRIS WOODYARD, [email protected] Journalists face not only danger in the Iraq war, but hardship – from knowing the lives of their Iraqi interpreters and staff are constantly threatened to having had to file stories and pictures over the occasional objections from soldiers in the field, a packed audience was told at a emotional Press Club panel discussion. Three journalists and a California National Guard officer who served in Iraq on the panel, “To Live and Die in Iraq: The War – Three Years…

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Dave Lopez named Quinn Award winner

Lopez, pictured at the Journalism Awards with his wife, becomes the latest in a string of recent KCBS-KCAL winners of the Quinn. They include anchors Laura Diaz and Pat Harvey. Past recipients have included Walter Cronkite, Dan Rather, Tom Brokaw, Ted Koppel, Patt Morrison and Edward R. Murrow. One of Southern California television’s hardest-working street reporters will be the recipient of the club’s prestigious Joseph M. Quinn Award for lifetime achievement. CBS 2 reporter Dave Lopez, a 28-year veteran of CBS 2, will be honored with the award at the…

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The Black Dahlia Files: The Enduring Legacy of the Murder that Transfixed Los Angeles – Thursday, January 12, 2006

Thursday, January 12, 2006 1:13 PM LA Press Club to Host Black Dahlia Author Donald H. Wolfe On January 15, 1947, the body of young, aspiring Hollywood starlet Elizabeth Short was discovered in a vacant lot in Los Angeles. Within days, the dark-haired beauty who wore a white flower behind her ear became immortalized as The Black Dahlia. The subject of countless books and an upcoming film, The Black Dahlia case is considered the most notorious unsolved murder in Los Angeles history. On Thursday, January 12, 2006, almost 59 years…

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Wednesday, November 09, 2005 1:25 PM “Digging deep: What reporters can learn from and about private investigators.” WHEN: Wednesday, November 9, 2005 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. wine reception and snacks 7:30 – 8:30 Debate followed by Q and A WHO: Corey Friedman, director of Nick Harris Detectives and the Nick Harris Detective Academy Steven Wachtel, private investigator and vice-president of PICA, Private Investigators of California Eric Leonard, investigative reporter, KFI radio Adam Dawson, legal investigator and former Daily News reporter, Adam Dawson & Associates Eric Longabardi, Producer / Reporter /…

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Early Halloween at Magic Castle

Thursday, October 27, 2005 1:27 PM It is that time a year again! Join us for our annual Halloween Party at Magic Castle and get access to one of Hollywood’s most exclusive nightclubs. Overlooking the city from its hillside perch on Franklin Avenue, the Magic Castle is a private haven for magicians and celebrities. Siegfried & Roy got their start there. So did David Copperfield. Orson Welles and Cary Grant used to be regulars at the Castle’s multiple bars. Today it’s Drew Barrymore, Jason Alexander and others. It’s a place…

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Writing the City-The Journalism of Architecture and Urbanism Post-Katrina

Wednesday, October 19, 2005 1:29 PM WHAT: A panel discussion about architecture and journalism. WHEN: Wednesday, October 19, 2005 7 pm – cocktails 7:30 – 7:45 Excerpt from John Crowther’s MEET MR.WRIGHT 8 – 9 pm PANEL WHERE: Los Angeles Press Club Steve Allen Theater 4773 Hollywood Blvd. (Across from Barnsdall Art Park, 2 blocks west of Vermont in Hollywood) WHO: Dana Cuff, Professor, UCLA School of Architecture/Urban Design Greg Goldin, LA Magazine John Crowther, Creator, MEET MR. WRIGHT (other panelists tba.) MODERATOR: Frances Anderton, KCRW What are journalists getting…

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“Finding the Future of Public Television”

Friday, October 14, 2005 1:27 PM WHO: Amy Alkon, Emmanuelle Richard, Cathy Seipp, and the L.A. Press Club invite you to: WHAT: American Cinema Foundation presents “Finding the Future of Public Television,” sponsored by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. A series of panel discussions with audience Q&As, then and a reception with (complimentary) drinks and canapes. ALSO: Some discussions will have live web-logging. Questions and input are being solicited on the web, as well as from the attending audience. If you would like to submit a question for the panels,…

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The Politics of Science Journalism

Wednesday, October 05, 2005 1:31 PM If science is the objective pursuit of truth, why is science writing so controversial? How can reporters cover specialized research for a general audience? And how should technically minded journalists approach heated political disputes? These questions and more will be debated at the Los Angeles Press Club Oct. 5, in a panel discussion on “The Politics of Science Journalism.” Participants will include Los Angeles Times science writer K.C. Cole, author of Mind Over Matter: Conversations With the Cosmos; Skeptics Society Director Dr. Michael Shermer,…

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