PRESS CLUB PARTY “It’s a Man’s World”

Thursday, August 14, 2003 2:27 PM

WHO: Amy Alkon, Emmanuelle Richard, Cathy Seipp and the L.A. Press Club.
WHAT: Invite you to celebrate our friend Adam Parfrey’s ultra-groovy new book, “It’s a Man’s World: Men’s Adventure Magazines, the Postwar Pulps,” and the opening of an art exhibit in connection with the book.

WHEN: Thurs, Aug. 14

WHERE: Gallery viewing of men’s adventure magazine art, curated by Adam Parfrey, at La Luz de Jesus, 4633 Hollywood Blvd., 6-8pm. At 7pm Adam will give a Q&A on the illustrators — Norm Eastman, Mort Kunstler, Norm Saunders, et al — and the book and original magazines (and framed art) will be for sale, starting at $2 (cheap!) and more for the really collectible leg-shackle ones.

Then walk around the corner for the 7-10pm reception at Michael’s Room/Hollywood Hills Restaurant, 1745 N. Vermont (at Prospect). Cash bar, complimentary hors d’oeuvres (by former Patina chef), smoking patio. $3 parking at Bank of America lot or valet parking in front of restaurant.

WHY: Because “It’s a Man’s World” is fabulous (see Gary Indiana’s July 27 L.A. Times review, which made the cover of the Sunday Book Review) and a great excuse for a party.
Because one of us (Cathy) has known Adam since we were 18.
Because Adam is the proprietor of Feral House, an L.A. cult institution.
Because Adam’s father, character actor Woodrow Parfrey, played Dr. Maximus in the original “Planet of the Apes.”
Because the book includes a Bruce Jay Friedman piece about his years editing men’s adventure mags, and here’s an excerpt:

“Swank published new stories by William Saroyan and Graham Greene, and God alone knows who read them. Truss ads and all, the magazine attempted to be classy and risque. I assigned the late A.C. Spectorsky to do an article on girl pinching. He did one on girl bumping which I rejected. He did a second version on girl shoving; I sent it back. He countered with a third, on girl tickling. I returned it and paid him half his fee. Years later, he asked me to join him at Playboy.”
“‘I am making this offer,’ he said, ‘because of your quite proper refusal to accept anything but girl pinching.'”

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