The Recall Isn’t the Only Election in October

Tuesday, September 16, 2003 4:41 PM

Are you a full-time journalist who supports improving the community through volunteering and would like to have an impact on the larger journalism community in Los Angeles? Annual elections will be held by mail in October for seven open two-year positions on the 14-member Los Angeles Press Club Board of Directors.

The Board of Directors will nominate candidates, including several incumbents now serving on the board who plan to run again. However, anyone who has been an “active” member of the Press Club for at least one year can run for the at-large open positions or nominate a candidate.

“Active” members are defined as jour- nalists who earn at least 50 percent of their income from journalism. Candidates nominated at the September meeting must have joined the Press Club at least one year ago, and must have already renewed their membership in 2003 and have already been approved as a renew- er by a vote of the Board of Directors.

Whoever joins this dynamic and easy- going board will be doing so at a time of potentially profound change, as the club awaits word from the Internal Revenue Service on its application for non-profit status. If granted, this status will enable the club to seek grants and other income sources to pursue charitable programs such as school-based mentoring of underserved high school journalism stu- dents and college scholarships for such students.

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