Please Vote in November for Press Club Board

Sunday, November 16, 2003 5:26 PM

This week in the mail you’ll get your ballot for Press Club Board of Directors. You mem- bers will vote to fill eight open positions for the 2004 and 2005 calendar years. We’ve been incredibly lucky, helped by Elections Committee Chair Chris Woodyard (USA Today), to find 12 great candidates, including longtime club members, award-winning journalists and several incumbents.

Our bustling club is all-volunteer except for a part-time paid director. We urge you to select candidates for the board who you think have the energy and ideas we need as we launch our first year as a non-profit organization since losing that designation in the 1980’s. Now that the IRS has granted us this precious tax-exempt status again, we hope to launch scholarships and mentoring for young journalists, among other community-enriching efforts. It’s a chance for you old pros to work with young people in your field of expertise, so get involved by joining one of our subcomittees!

But first, vote for the board. Here’s how easy it is to vote: Press Club Treasurer Alicia Flanary stuck stamps on your return envelopes, so all you have to do is mark your ballots and stick them in the mail! And Executive Director Diana Ljungaeus made sure that a ballot went out this week to each one of the 320 active voters in the club. (Sorry, you can’t vote if you are a non-journal- ist member, known as an associate member.)

So please, read on. Find eight candidates you like, then mark the ballot you receive in the mail—and folks, this part is key—-then mail your ballot back to us!

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