Thursday, April 24, 2003 2:31 PM

“The poet-laureate of wild assholes with guns.”

That’s how Time Out/London summed up crime writer and all-around fun guy, Elmore “Dutch” Leonard. Detroit-based Elmore is the author of 38 novels and numerous short stories, many of which have been made into movies (his favorites being “Get Shorty,” “Jackie Brown” and “Out of Sight”). His latest book is a short-story collection, “When the Women Come Out to Dance.” At 77, Elmore’s hard at work on his 39th novel, “Mr. Paradise,” due out in early 2004.

He’ll be in LA for the LA Times Festival Of Books, but he’s flying in early just to party with us!

YOUR HOSTS: Emmanuelle Richard, Amy Alkon and LA Press Club.

WHEN: Thursday, April 24, 7-10pm

WHERE: The legendary Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel, site of the very first Academy Awards, in their recently renovated “historic lobby.” No-host bar. Complimentary hors d’oeuvres.

RSVP IS A MUST: info@lapressclub.org
or (323) 469-8180

Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel
7000 Hollywood Blvd. , Hollywood, CA 90028, USA
323) 466-7000

LA Times Festival Of Books Elmore information:
Sunday, 1pm, April 27 —
Elmore in conversation with the LA Times’ Barry Siegel


The Mystery Book Store tent 10am Sunday

There’s also a signing after his Sunday event


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