Sunday, December 03, 2006 1:24 PM
Know how to cover a wrongful death lawsuit? How about a medical malpractice case? Sexual harassment? Know the difference between “liable” and “guilty”? Think “tort” is a desert?
If you experienced the slightest anxiety at those questions, pencil in Saturday December 3, for a free day-long seminar on the role of the civil court system.
Our readers, viewers and listeners rely on us for accurate accounts from the courtroom. Yet too many reporters don’t know the subtle but crucial distinctions between criminal law and civil procedure.
The seminar, co-sponsored by the Press Club, Consumer Attorneys Association of Los Angeles and PR Newswire, will held from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Steve Allen Theater in the Press Club’s new digs, 4773 Hollywood Blvd. A free lunch will be served.
Panelists include experienced civil-court reporters like Myron Levin and Jean Guccione of the Los Angeles Times, Conan Nolan of Channel 4 News, and attorneys, judges and law professors skilled in the civil court system. Among the legal experts: Hon. Paul Gutman, Los Angeles Superior Court Judge; John T. Nockleby, director of Loyola Law School’s Civil Justice Program, and Edith R. Matthai, president of the Los Angeles County Bar Assn. There will also be a presentation on what editors want in civil-court coverage.
Press Club President Patt Morrison will moderate.
To register (a must), email [email protected] or call 323-669-8081
For more information contact LAPC executive director Diana Ljungaeus at 323-669-8081 or email [email protected]
PURPOSE:To educate members of the media about the American civil jury system, utilizing fast-paced presentations in a balanced and informative setting.
DATE:Saturday, December 3, 2005
TIME: 9 A.M. to 2:30 P.M.
LOCATION:Steve Allen Theater
4773 Hollywood Blvd.
Hollywood, CA 90027
PRESENTING ENTITIES: Los Angeles Press Club, Consumer Attorneys Association of Los Angeles (CAALA) and the Association of Southern California Defense Counsel (ASCDC).
FORMAT: A morning session with five short presentations (with Q&A) by a panel of speakers covering various aspects of the civil justice system and civil trials and an afternoon panel discussion featuring media members who have covered civil trials along with two lawyers and a judge.
MODERATOR: Patt Morrison (Los Angeles Times, KCET; President, LA Press Club)
JUDGE – Hon. Paul Gutman (Judge, Los Angeles Superior Court, Chair of LA Superior Court Media Committee)
DEFENSE ATTORNEY – Edith R. Matthai (Robie & Matthai; President, Los Angeles County Bar Association)
PLAINTIFFS’ ATTORNEY – Steven Glickman (Glickman & Glickman; President-Elect Consumer Attorneys Association of Los Angeles)
LAW PROFESSOR – John T. Nockleby (Professor, Loyola Law School; Director, Civil Justice Program at Loyola Law School)
NEWSPAPER EDITOR – Bob Baker (L.A. Times/Newsthinking)
• Conan Nolan, Channel 4 News
• Myron Levin, L.A. Times
• Jean Guccione, L.A. Times
• Hon. Rita (Sunny) Miller (Judge, L.A. Superior Court)
• William Daniels (plaintiffs’ attorney and former entertainment reporter)
• Harry W.R. Chamberlain (defense attorney and President, Association of Southern California Defense Counsel)
TOPICS: Morning Session: Welcome and introduction (Morrison)
The American Justice System (Nockleby)
Trial ABCs (Gutman)
The Plaintiff’s Side (Glickman)
The Defense Side (Matthai)
News Editor Perspective (Baker)
Afternoon Session:
Roundtable: Covering a Civil Case
Conclusion and Summary (Morrison)