Wednesday, November 09, 2005 1:25 PM
“Digging deep: What reporters can learn from and about private investigators.”
WHEN: Wednesday, November 9, 2005
6:30 – 7:30 p.m. wine reception and snacks
7:30 – 8:30 Debate followed by Q and A
Corey Friedman, director of Nick Harris Detectives and the Nick Harris Detective Academy
Steven Wachtel, private investigator and vice-president of PICA, Private Investigators of California
Eric Leonard, investigative reporter, KFI radio
Adam Dawson, legal investigator and former Daily News reporter, Adam Dawson & Associates
Eric Longabardi, Producer / Reporter / Investigative Journalist, TeleMedia News Productions
Chris Blatchford, investigative reporter, Fox 11 News
MODERATOR: investigative reporter and trainer Don Ray of the Daily Journal
CO-SPONSOR: PR Newswire and Silver Lake Wine, Photo Hosted at
Journalists aren’t the only ones digging deep for information. Private investigators do pretty much the same kind of research, but with a different approach and different tools. What can reporters learn from the best private eyes? In an age when, as the Los Angeles Times recently stated, “Private eyes are now seen as essential in high-profile cases,” and when traditional journalistic methods aren’t enough to get every crucial bit of data, an increasing number of production companies, eporters and book writers are hiring outside investigative agencies. Does working with P.I.s violate journalistic ethics? Are investigators portrayed fairly in
the media? Can the two sides learn from one another?
WHERE: the Los Angeles Press Club’s swank new headquarters
Steve Allen Theater
4773 Hollywood Blvd.
(2 blocks west of Vermont in Hollywood / Los Feliz)
Free parking
COST: none, but donations appreciated
RSVP to [email protected]