Movin’ On The Press Club occupies new space on Sunset.

Tuesday, September 16, 2003 5:07 PM

The Los Angeles Press Club has moved.

We’ve traded our view of the Griffith Observatory for a view of the observatory and all of downtown L.A.

Our new offices are at 6464 Sunset Boulevard in the Sunset Suites on 8th floor, only a couple of blocks from our old offices. Our home of the last few years in the Los Angles Film School building got squeezed smaller and smaller by the suc- cess and growth of the school, and we needed new digs in order to continue offering our popular evening town halls and seminars such as our “Opening the Door,” series on journalistic access to sources.

We’re in a nicer space with a much better seminar and events room on the same floor as our two modest offices. This means we are set to start a new season of seminars and debates. If you want to help arrange these activities, or wish to volun- teer in any way for our all-volunteer club, please contact Diana Ljungaeus at 323- 469-8180 or email her at info@lapress-

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