Welcome to the New 8 Ball

Wednesday, April 16, 2003 2:50 PM


We hope you enjoy the new e-mailed version of the Los Angeles Press Club’s 8 Ball newsletter, designed for us by the patient and unflappable Eric Almendral, gifted former art director for New Times Los Angeles. The Board of Directors decided in January to move to an elec- tronic newsletter, as preferred by most club members. A few members who do not have e-mail or who have expressed a preference for a hard copy will continue to receive one by mail.

We are emailing this first issue to everyone who has an e-mail on file with the Press Club — including those of you who want to keep getting a hard copy — because we thought you’d want to see how much more we can do with an e- mail version of the 8 Ball.

This e-version eliminates the steep costs of printing and mailing, thus allow- ing us to add great new features that we could not previously afford. The first issue includes several new features that put a spotlight on the amazing diversity and talents of the 450 members of the Los Angeles Press Club.

Because we’ve expanded the 8 Ball, we could use help from an experienced copy editor one-half day each month. We cannot pay, but this volunteer will be admitted to every on-site Press Club headquarters event free of charge, an annual value of $200. If you are an experienced copy editor and can help, please contact Diana at (323) 469- 8180.

The new 8 Ball features are:

•Profile of the Month: We are asking members to give us great tips about club members who have recently enjoyed career or life achievements. Submit up to 400 words to us at info@lapressclub.org, and we’ll consider your colleague or you for profiling in our new feature. Anyone newly joining the club is also eligible for Profile of the Month.

•Member News: Other great tidbits we receive about our members, if not chosen for Profile of the Month, will be published in short form. So please let us know if your friends and colleagues have achieved a recent milestone. E-mail us at info@lapressclub.org.

•Q & A: Each month we single out a club member attending a Press Club event to find out what prompted a busy journalist to come rub elbows with other journalists.

•New Members: Our listing of every member newly inducted into the Press Club, and their work affiliation.

•Collins Connection: By popular demand, we reinstitute the wonderfully chatty column about L.A. journalists by freelance investigative reporter Michael Collins, who, it turns out, has a flair for the soft side as well.

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