Bloggers Face Up

Thursday, October 22, 2009 4:17 PM
You’re warmly invited to the October 22 Blogger Face Up, a light evening of wine and wit where scores of Los Angeles bloggers and social media mavens will finally meet face-to-face.

How many times have you wondered what the rest of the L.A. blogosphere looks like? Come find out! We’d love to see you at the Steve Allen Theater/Los Angeles Press Club headquarters on the fourth Thursday in October.

The evening begins at 6:30 PM with a cocktail hour featuring a bottomless glass of wine and delicious appetizers. At 7:30 PM, we’ll enjoy a relaxed, 45-minute chat among top online talents Mickey Kaus of, Andrew Nystrom of the Los Angeles Times, Thomas Kelley of Yahoo News, and Erin Broadley of Village Voice Media. They’ll discuss topics like seeding, integrating news and blogging, and emerging platforms. They’ve graciously agreed to participate in an audience Q & A.

At 8:15 PM, we’ll re-gather in the wine lounge.

The Los Angeles Press Club is a non-profit organization, so we’ll charge a nominal door fee to cover beverages and appetizers.

WHAT: Los Angeles Press Club Blogger Face Up
WHEN: Thursday, October 22, 6:30 PM
WHO: Lots of L.A. bloggers, plus Erin Broadley, Mickey Kaus, Thomas Kelley and Andrew Nystrom.
INFO: Tickets are only $8 if pre-paid or $15 at the door. (Or enjoy this blogger special: One-year membership to the Los Angeles Press Club and two tickets to this event, $40. This offer is available online only.)
PARKING: Free parking is available for early arrivers. Street parking, some metered, is also available.
METRO: Red Line Sunset/Vermont
WHERE: Los Angeles Press Club at the Center for Inquiry West Bldg., 4773 Hollywood Blvd., Hollywood (just west of Vermont Avenue).

Los Angeles Press Club
Board of Directors
If you need to reach us, please email executive director Diana Ljungaeus at or press club president Chris Woodyard at
We are experiencing difficulties with our website, but are working on resolving the problems.

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